1 Month Old Baby
1 Month Old Baby Welcoming your baby into your family has probably changed your life. Each day is passing in a blur and it will be a challenge to find time to do anything other than attend to your baby’s needs. At 1 month old, babies still want to feed frequently and are unpredictable with their sleeping patterns. Many are still fairly sleepy and apart from short wakeful periods of feeding and being alert, they sleep for at least a couple of hours between their feeds. Feeding Expect your baby to need to feed at least 6 times/24 hours at 1 month of age. If they are breastfeeding this could increase up to 12 times. Try not to control their feeding times too much and let your baby determine how much and how often they want to feed. Unless they have been unwell or were premature, they will be able to gauge when they need to feed and are satisfied with the volume of milk in their stomach. Sleeping Give your baby plenty of opportunity to sleep and be sensitive to their sleep cue...